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SmartMove (Jump to the Download)

Organization is cool, Organization lets find you files without searching all Folders in your 3 Terabyte Hard disc. But Organization needs a lot of time and discipline. When you start a download, you have to move a file from the default download folder in your folders for pdf, text, zips, movies or Songs and so on. Also most programs remember the last folder, but if you have multiple folders or you store tables in other folders than documents or presentations?

If you forget to  adjust the Dir, the pdf lands in the picture folder and the table in the Directory of documents. Next time you needs it, you have to search. Well there are solutions for this problem. From Windows 7 upwards the Index function is fast and useful. Also you can use an external program like my program Smart search. But its better to avoid the problem before they occur.

Main Window SmartmoveSmartmove is so simple, that this page is the manual too. The purpose of the program is to check several Source folders in  intervals. Then there is a new file, matching a filter condition Smartmove moves it or copies to a target location.

Normally you will see nothing from Smartmove on the desktop. There is only a small icon in the tray bar. If you click on this icon with the right Mouse button, you get the popup menu with the main functions. To show the main Windows to setup the program, click on the first entry "Show main window".

The main window has three Edit-Fields. One is for the Source Dir (from where a file will moved/copied), a target Folder. (where it gets to) and a filter condition for matching. You can use multiple filters by add a semicolon between the filters. You can add these fields to the list (click on "Add"), Change an entry (click on it, make Changes in the Fields and then click on "Change") or delete an entry (click on it, then on the button "Delete"). The list will be processed from the start to the end. So you can place a specialized filter at the start like "img*.jpg" which only fits for files starting with "img" and another filter for the same folders with a general condition like "*.jpg" at the end of the list.

The main Settings you make in the Settings Dialog. You get it, if you click on the gear-wheel (forth button from left in the toolbar). Here you set the main working modes of the Program. At first you can decide to install it on the auto start menu (recommended), so it runs every time you start Windows. The next is the interval (in Minutes) after this Smartmove checks the Source folders for new files.

The next Radio group sets the default working modes:

1: After the program is started it looks after matching files, and copies them. When it repeats its every time the interval is finished. This is the default mode

2: After Launch it copies the files, then it waits 10 Minutes and then the program finishs automatically. This mode is good, if you have not many files which change, so once a Windows start is enough to move or copy them

3: Manual: You have to initiate every action through clicking on the green Arrow in the Toolbar or the Popup menu if you don't like automatism.

4: Start manual as above, but then repeat after the interval has gone.

Einstellungen SmartmoveYou might ask: "Why there is a 10 Minute delay from coping to closing the program?" Well you must have time to open the program when you want to change anything and for that the 10 Minutes are set there.

The Next group sets the default working mode. Smartmove can Move the file, (default - therefore the name) or make an copy of an file.

On several reasons there could be  duplicates, meaning a file with the same name is already in the target folder. So you have to tell the program what to do.

1: At first you can overwrite the file t1he target folder - you lose the old file

2: At second you can create an copy. All Copies are numbered through starting with 1. For example: The file "xxxx.yyy" from the source folder is now copied to "xxxx-1yyy", the next to "xxxx-2.yyy" and so on.

3: You can copy not the new file, but delete it from the Source Dir (the counterpart of option 1)

4: You can do nothing: the Source file remains and the target file remains. You can look at the files and delete one of them.

The toolbar has the main functions of the program from left to right these are:

Smartmove Search and ReplaceThe Search and Replace dialog (click on the binoculars) allows you to change a text in the first two Columns in the list. The main purpose for this function is that if you changed anything in the organization of your computer (added drives or changed the directory structure) you don't have to edit every item in the list. You simply say Search text "D:" Replace text "F:" and in every Entry with Drive D: is replaced by F:. If the search string is part of the replace string (e.g: Search: "D:\" Replace: "D:\Saves\" you have to Check "Replace only once", otherwise you get an loop which runs forever.

If you don't want to replace, simply click on Cancel. Once you clicked on Ok the Changes were made.

Download and Installation

Smartmove is a single Exe. Simply copy it in an folder and click on it. The Archive contains 32 and 64 Bit Versions. The 32 Bit Version needs at least Windows XP, the 64 Bit Version needs at Least Windows Vista 64 Bit.


Wenn sie beim Starten eines meiner Programme einen Alarm ihrer Antiviren Software bekommen, dann ist dies ein Fehlalarm, verursacht durch eine Post-Mortem Modul, dass Abstürze und Fehler meldet. Mehr finden sie auf dieser Seite.

If you get an alert from your antivirus software, when you start one of my programs, this is a false alarm, caused by a post-mortem module, that reports crashes and errors. You can find more information about this on this page.



Download von SmartMove

 If you like the program you can donate via paypal. You decide how much it is worth for you.

Zum Thema Computer ist auch von mir ein Buch erschienen. "Computergeschichte(n)" beinhaltet, das was der Titel aussagt: einzelne Episoden aus der Frühzeit des PC. Es sind Episoden aus den Lebensläufen von Ed Roberts, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Stephen Wozniak, Gary Kildall, Adam Osborne, Jack Tramiel und Chuck Peddle und wie sie den PC schufen.

Das Buch wird abgerundet durch eine kurze Erklärung der Computertechnik vor dem PC, sowie einer Zusammenfassung was danach geschah, als die Claims abgesteckt waren. Ich habe versucht ein Buch zu schreiben, dass sie dahingehend von anderen Büchern abhebt, dass es nicht nur Geschichte erzählt sondern auch erklärt warum bestimmte Produkte erfolgreich waren, also auf die Technik eingeht.

Die 2014 erschienene zweite Auflage wurde aktualisiert und leicht erweitert. Die umfangreichste Änderung ist ein 60 Seiten starkes Kapitel über Seymour Cray und die von ihm entworfenen Supercomputer. Bedingt durch Preissenkungen bei Neuauflagen ist es mit 19,90 Euro trotz gestiegenem Umfang um 5 Euro billiger als die erste Auflage. Es ist auch als e-Book für 10,99 Euro erschienen.

Mehr über das Buch auf dieser eigenen Seite.

Hier geht's zur Gesamtübersicht meiner Bücher mit direkten Links zum BOD-Buchshop. Die Bücher sind aber auch direkt im Buchhandel bestellbar (da ich über sehr spezielle Themen schreibe, wird man sie wohl kaum in der Auslage finden) und sie sind natürlich in den gängigen Online-Plattformen wie Amazon, Libri, Buecher.de erhältlich.

© des Textes: Bernd Leitenberger. Jede Veröffentlichung dieses Textes im Ganzen oder in Auszügen darf nur mit Zustimmung des Urhebers erfolgen.
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