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MP3 Database

Off course, there are programs to catalogue your songs are as ten a penny. However, i made one program,  suited for me, and perhaps to you. It should be simple to use and offer the needed features but not more. so this description of the program is also the whole help file. (I'm a lazy person and hate documenting my work)

MP3 DatabaseThe Mp3 Database catalogs Windows WMA Files and MP3 Files with a IDv3 Tag. Other Formats (OGG) are not recognized. The tags are stored in a database.

After then you can search after songs or Artists and/or albums in the database. You can play a song by double click on it or export the result of the search in various formats in a file or the clipboard.

There are also functions for exporting the tag information of the whole database in CSV, Text, HTML and SQL available.

There are also summary functions which create lists of all songs of an artist or an album or genre. You can create copy lists and the copy the songs to another location, for example your mp3player.

Since all information are only stored at the end of the program on disk and the program does not use SQL for searches it is extremely fast.

Scanning the files at the first time will need much time, since all files must be opened and the tag information read out. Typical 100 to 200 files per second can scanned when creating an new database. Then you only have to append new songs which is much faster since the program will only open new files.

Version History

Version 3.0

Version 3.1

Version 3.2

Appended Copy Filename in Clipboard Function

New Export Dialog for Missing Tags Function

Version 3.3

Appended Rename File Function

Version 3.4

Various Changes in Spelling and improved Dialogs.

Version 3.5

New Function "Rename file with tag information".

New Function "Copy file in Clipboard" in the Context-Popup menu

Version 3.6

New Function "Export Folder/Selection as Text" for a Text list of the Songs of a folder or the selection of the search. New Function: "User Field" for searches. New Database Format for the additional fields. Older Databases must be completely rebuild.

Version 3.7

Shows a (JPEG) Picture in the right Side of the Main Windows if one is part of the mp3 File.

Version 3.8

Standard 10 Results, Field can't set to zero. Bug eliminated, No Search results, if user does not set the column of the forth search field.

Version 3.9

Bugfixes: Crashes when user inserts nothing to search

Version 4.0

GUI Style selectable between Windows .. Windows 10 and several Office Styles. Adjustment Download for new https:// address of Bernd-leitenberger.de

Version 4.1

Version 4.2

Version 4.3

Version 4.4


The Program is packed as an zip-Archive without an installer. It is running without an installation or installer program. Simple extract the program to an Location of your choice. All Data will be stored in  "C:\users\xxxx\Appdata\Roaming\BL-Soft\Mp3database\"'. xxxx stands for your Username.

Download MP3 Database

Current Version: 4.4


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